Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Sunday Currently Vol. 1

READING: The Morning & Evening App and I absolutely love it. I'd seen quotes by Spurgeon on Pinterest before and really appreciated the wisdom they held. When I heard about this app I downloaded it immediately. Some people might not appreciate the old timey language but I feel that it's a part of what gives the devotionals  their  impact. The words he uses are just beautiful and convey his passion for Jesus perfectly. It is what its name implies, there is a devotional posted in the morning and one in the evening.  They're a joy to read and I look forward to them each day.

WRITING: A list for things I need for the Pi day party we're hosting this Friday! I'm so excited. SO MUCH PIE. Also, I'm compiling a list of food from my board on Pinterest to make with my sister when I visit her in two weeks. I've noticed a definite trend: Chocolate, cheese, and mushrooms. YUS.

LISTENING: To Heros Season one. It's been two years since we finished the series and it's been awesome going through it again. We've forgotten enough so that it keeps us on the edge of our seats all over again!

THINKING:  About how thankful I am that Dr. Suess week is over! I know that makes me sound like a scrooge. Hear me out. It was fun and the kids had a BLAST. I thoroughly enjoyed crazy hair day and watching their little faces while I read the stories. I feel like they really were able to derive the lessons intended from the stories too. I was so proud!  BUT I was not thrilled that I was forced to entertain a room full of three year olds with only worksheets and circle time after they consumed copious amounts of sugar because of the Suess themed snacks for THREE HOURS without time that they normally had to run off that energy because of the special activities planned.  Whew! It was great but I'm craving our routine.
Crazy hair day. Garden theme. Oh yeah.

SMELLING: My mocha coconut coffee. OH YES. And drinking it out of my Tervis cup! Which I've been searching tirelessly for the past two weeks and found...under my car seat.  The first place most would search for their missing to-go cup but not I.

WISHING: That I had bacon for tomorrow's  breakfast and that I had the motivation to go to the store and get it.

HOPING: This 40 degree weather sticks! GAH. Its' been gloriousssss. The birds  have been chirping outside my windows and I even got a car wash this week! Yes, this is the first time I've washed my car all winter. Whatevs.

WEARING:  A LOT of dresses, leggings ,boots  and cardigans. Like, pretty much that's all I've been wearing. It's so easy and I feel put together every day. Plus, me and my husband just watched the first two seasons of New Girl which is just further  feeding my dress/cardi combo obsession.

LOVING: Fajitas! I've made them approximately 15 times this month.

WANTING: One of those Polar heart rate monitors! I've been doing a lot of home workouts lately and I'd love to be getting an idea of how many calories I'm actually burning during Tae Bo. BILLY BLANKS 4 LYFE.

NEEDING: A basket for my bike. SPRING FEVAH!

FEELING: Like taking a leisurely Sunday nap and at the same time in the mood to bake. Bring it on 3/14!!!



  1. Dr. Seuss week was crazy in my classroom too! It was fun, but I'm ready to move on. :p

  2. Oh my gosh this morning was sooooo much better! I think they were ready for routine too, they were little angels! ;)
